3.30 BGN
Contains Ginseng extract. Tonic, anti-aging.
For sensitive and aging skin. Alcohol free.
Refreshing and calming facial toner with natural Rose water and panthenol. Alcohol free.
With natural Sweet Almond extract and Apricot oil.
For dry to mixed skin. Alcohol free.
With natural extracts from 7 medicinal herbs.
Antibacterial, anti-irritating. Suitable for problem skin.
Alcohol free.
AriesCosmetics 2016
телефон: +359 52 500 725, +359 52 500 726 e-mail: office@ariescosmetics.com, sales@ariescosmetics.com адрес: гр. Варна, ул. Уста Кольо Фичето 40
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